Grade Crossing Program Code

This page contains the source code portion of the Basic Stamp 2 program that controls the grade crossings. The version 2 code improves the train detection logic and Led lamp simulation effect. The code has also been converted to PBASIC 2.5 to make the logic easier to understand. See a flow chart that details the train detection logic.

The complete code and documentation can be downloaded using this link: The older code can be downloaded using this link:

' ======================================================================
' GradeCrossingV2.bs2                                         4-14-2005

'{$PBASIC 2.5}

' I/O bit definitions.
Sig1Lamp1       CON     0      ' BS2 bit 0
Sig1Lamp2       CON     1      ' BS2 bit 1
Sig1C1C3        VAR     IN2    ' BS2 bit 2
Sig1C2          VAR     IN3    ' BS2 bit 3

Sig1Snd1        CON     4      ' BS2 bit 4
Sig1Snd2        CON     5      ' BS2 bit 5
Sig1Servo       CON     6      ' BS2 bit 6
LedPin          CON     7      ' BS2 bit 7
RunMode         VAR     IN7    ' BS2 bit 7

Sig2Lamp1       CON     8      ' BS2 bit 8
Sig2Lamp2       CON     9      ' BS2 bit 9
Sig2C1C3        VAR     IN10   ' BS2 bit 10
Sig2C2          VAR     IN11   ' BS2 bit 11

Sig2Snd1        CON     12     ' BS2 bit 12
Sig2Snd2        CON     13     ' BS2 bit 13
Sig2Servo       CON     14     ' BS2 bit 14
SoundSel        VAR     IN15   ' BS2 bit 15

' Other program constants
DefaultDir      CON     %0111001101110011
OneSecond       CON     40
ThreeSecond     CON     120
SigFlash        CON     20
LampSimStep     CON     3              ' Lamp simulator change steps

' General control variables.
LedCount        VAR     Byte           ' Countdown for Led state toggle

' Signal #1 working variables and constants.
Sig1C1C3Act     VAR     Byte           ' C1/C3 retriggerable active timeout
Sig1C1C3Inact   VAR     Byte           ' C1/C3 retriggerable inactive timeout
Sig1C2Act       VAR     Byte           ' C2 retriggerable active timeout
Sig1Ctrl        VAR     Byte           ' Signal 1 control bits
Sig1Run         VAR     Sig1Ctrl.BIT0  ' 0 = stop, 1 = run
Sig1WaitC2      VAR     Sig1Ctrl.BIT1  ' 1 = Waiting for C2 active
Sig1WaitC1C3a   VAR     Sig1Ctrl.BIT2  ' 1 = Waiting for C1/C3 active
Sig1WaitC1C3i   VAR     Sig1Ctrl.BIT3  ' 1 = Waiting for C1/C3 In-ctive
Sig1Gate        VAR     Sig1Ctrl.BIT4  ' 0 = Gate up, 1 = Gate down
Sig1GateDelay   VAR     Byte           ' End of train raise gate delay
Sig1Flash       VAR     Byte           ' Lamp change rate
LampSim1        VAR     Nib            ' Counter for lamp simulator
Gate1Pos        VAR     Byte           ' Servo position pulse width
Gate1Up         CON     10             ' Gate up position
Gate1Dn         CON     210            ' Gate down position
Gate1Rate       CON     3              ' Gate speed - minimum value of 1

' Signal #2 working variables and constants.
Sig2C1C3Act     VAR     Byte           ' C1/C3 retriggerable active timeout
Sig2C1C3Inact   VAR     Byte           ' C1/C3 retriggerable inactive timeout
Sig2C2Act       VAR     Byte           ' C2 retriggerable active timeout
Sig2Ctrl        VAR     Byte           ' Signal 2 control bits
Sig2Run         VAR     Sig2Ctrl.BIT0  ' 0 = stop, 1 = run
Sig2WaitC2      VAR     Sig2Ctrl.BIT1  ' 1 = Waiting for C2 active
Sig2WaitC1C3a   VAR     Sig2Ctrl.BIT2  ' 1 = Waiting for C1/C3 active
Sig2WaitC1C3i   VAR     Sig2Ctrl.BIT3  ' 1 = Waiting for C1/C3 In-ctive
Sig2Gate        VAR     Sig2Ctrl.BIT4  ' 0 = Gate up, 1 = Gate down
Sig2GateDelay   VAR     Byte           ' End of train raise gate delay
Sig2Flash       VAR     Byte           ' Lamp change rate
LampSim2        VAR     Nib            ' Counter for lamp simulator
Gate2Pos        VAR     Byte           ' Servo position pulse width
Gate2Up         CON     10             ' Gate up position
Gate2Dn         CON     210            ' Gate down position
Gate2Rate       CON     3              ' Gate speed - minimum value of 1

' This section initializes all working variables to power on settings.

   DIRS = DefaultDir                    ' Set default I/O direction bits
   Sig1Ctrl = 0                         ' Clear signal 1 control bits
   Sig1Flash = 0                        ' Clear signal 1 lamp change rate
   Sig2Ctrl = 0                         ' Clear signal 2 control bits
   Sig2Flash = 0                        ' Clear signal 2 lamp change rate

' Main program loop. Call each signals processing routine. The pause command
' value should be adjusted if necessary to achieve the 3 second delay period.
' The SigFlash value may need slight adjustment to achieve the desired proto
' typical flash rate.
' The RunMode I/O pin serves a dual purpose with the program heartbeat led.
' The pin is set to input to read the mode switch position. The pin is then
' made an output to drive the heartbeat led.

   INPUT LedPin                         ' Set LedPin direction to input
   IF RunMode = 0 THEN TestLoop         ' Jump if test mode selected
   OUTPUT LedPin                        ' Set LedPin direction to output
   GOSUB Sig1Check                      ' Check signal 1 inputs
   GOSUB Sig1Proc                       ' Process signal 1 flash
   GOSUB MoveGate1                      ' Move signal 1 gates
   GOSUB Sig2Check                      ' Check signal 2 inputs
   GOSUB Sig2Proc                       ' Process signal 2 flash
   GOSUB MoveGate2                      ' Move signal 2 gates
   IF LedCount = 0 THEN                 ' Heartbeat indicator change?
      LedCount = OneSecond / 2
      TOGGLE LedPin                     ' Change Led state
      LedCount = LedCount - 1           ' Decrement heartbeat Led counter
   PAUSE 10                             ' Adjusts loop rate for delays. It
   GOTO MainLoop                        ' also effects the gate speed.

' Signal 1 sensor input and timer processing.

   IF Sig1C1C3 = 1 THEN                 ' C1/C3 sensor active?
      Sig1C1C3Inact = ThreeSecond       ' Yes, set C1/C3 in-active timer
      IF Sig1C1C3Act = 0 THEN           ' Train blocking C1/C3 sensor?
         Sig1WaitC2 = 0                 ' Yes, reset waiting for C2 active
         Sig1WaitC1C3i = 0              ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
         Sig1C1C3Act = Sig1C1C3Act - 1  ' Decrement the active timer
         IF Sig1WaitC1C3a = 1 OR Sig1WaitC1C3i = 1 THEN
            IF Sig1C2Act = 0 THEN       ' C2 timer expired?
               Sig1WaitC1C3a = 0        ' Yes, reset waiting for C1/C3 active
               Sig1WaitC1C3i = 1        ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
               Sig1C1C3Inact = OneSecond   ' Set C1/C3 in-active timer
            Sig1WaitC2 = 1              ' Set waiting for C2 active
            Sig1Run = 1                 ' Start signals
      Sig1C1C3Act = ThreeSecond         ' In-active, set C1/C3 active timer
      IF Sig1C1C3Inact = 0 THEN         ' Train backed away?
         Sig1WaitC2 = 0                 ' Yes, reset waiting for C2 active
         Sig1WaitC1C3i = 0              ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
         Sig1C1C3Inact = Sig1C1C3Inact - 1 ' Decrement the in-active timer

   IF Sig1C2 = 1 THEN                   ' Read C2 sensor
      Sig1C2Act = OneSecond             ' Set C2 active timer
      Sig1Run = 1                       ' Start signals
      Sig1WaitC2 = 0                    ' Reset waiting for C2 active
      Sig1WaitC1C3a = 1                 ' Set waiting for C1/C3 active
      Sig1WaitC1C3i = 0                 ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
      IF Sig1WaitC2 = 0 THEN            ' Not waiting for C2 active?
         IF Sig1C2Act = 0 THEN          ' C2 timer expired?
            Sig1Run = 0                 ' Stop signals
            Sig1C2Act = Sig1C2Act - 1   ' Decrement C2 counter

' Signal 1 flash processing. Perform functions based upon the state of the
' signal run bit.
'    Sig1Run = 0:
'       If a lamp is on, then this is first entry to routine since the
'       signal run bit was reset. Extinguish lamps and clear flash counter.
'       Stop sounds and raise crossing gates.
'    Sig1Run = 1:
'       If both lamps are off, then this is first entry to routine since
'       the signal run bit was set. Set first lamp on and initialize flash
'       counter. Start bell only sound and lower crossing gates.
' The Sig1C2Act counter is used by this routine for switching between sound
' 2 (BELL AND train) AND sound 1 (BELL only). Sound two is used whenever the
' C2 sensor is active. Sig1C2Act causes sound 2 to remain active until about
' 1/4 second after the end of the train.

   IF Sig1Run = 1 THEN                  ' Is Sig1Run active?
      IF IN0 = 0 AND IN1 = 0 THEN       ' Yes, both lamps off?
         Sig1Gate = 1                   ' Yes, lower the gate
         IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN          ' Sound enabled?
            LOW Sig1Snd2                ' Yes, turn off sound 2
            HIGH Sig1Snd1               ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
         IF LedCount.BIT0 = 1 THEN      ' Random starting lamp
            HIGH Sig1Lamp1              ' Select first lamp
            HIGH Sig1Lamp2              ' Select first lamp
         Sig1Flash = SigFlash           ' Set lamp switch delay count
' This code in this IF section is used to simulate an incandescent signal
' lamps using an Led by gradual turn on/off each time the routine is called.
' If using signals with incandescent bulbs, adjust indicated lines of code.
      IF Sig1Flash = 0 THEN             ' Change lamp states?
         TOGGLE Sig1Lamp1               ' Change to new lamp state
         TOGGLE Sig1Lamp2               ' Change to new lamp state
         IF LampSim1 = 0 THEN           ' Yes, lamp change count 0?
            LampSim1 = LampSimStep -1   ' * Comment out if incandescent lamps
'           Sig1Flash = SigFlash        ' * Uncomment if incandescent lamps
      IF LampSim1 <> 0 THEN             ' Lamp change done?
         LampSim1 = LampSim1 - 1        ' No, decrement intensity change
         IF LampSim1 = 0 THEN           ' Lamp sim count now 0?
            Sig1Flash = SigFlash        ' Reset lamp switch delay count
            PAUSE LampSim1              ' Delay
            TOGGLE Sig1Lamp1            ' Change to old lamp state
            TOGGLE Sig1Lamp2            ' Change to old lamp state
         Sig1Flash = Sig1Flash - 1      ' Decrement lamp switch count
      IF IN3 = 1 THEN                   ' Sig1C2 sensor active?
         Sig1GateDelay = OneSecond / 4  ' Yes, set new gate delay value
         IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN          ' Sound enabled?
            LOW Sig1Snd1                ' Yes, turn off sound 1
            HIGH Sig1Snd2               ' Turn on sound 2 (bell & train)
         IF Sig1GateDelay <> 0 THEN     ' Gate delay value set?
            IF Sig1GateDelay = 1 THEN   ' Yes, Time delay at 1?
               Sig1Gate = 0             ' Yes, raise the gate
               IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN    ' Sound enabled?
                  LOW Sig1Snd2          ' Yes, turn off sound 2
                  HIGH Sig1Snd1         ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
            Sig1GateDelay = Sig1GateDelay - 1  ' Decrement gate delay
      Sig1Gate = 0                      ' Raise the gate
      PAUSE Sig1Flash * 5               ' Delay
      LOW Sig1Lamp1                     ' Turn off lamp
      LOW Sig1Lamp2                     ' Turn off lamp
      LOW Sig1Snd1                      ' Turn off sound 1
      LOW Sig1Snd2                      ' Turn off sound 2
      Sig1Flash = 0                     ' Clear counter
      LampSim1 = 0                      ' Clear counter

' Move Signal 1 gate. This routine outputs a servo control pulse that is
' used to position the crossing gates. The gate position is determined by
' the Sig1Gate variable and the Gate1Pos variable. The final up/down position
' of the gate is adjusted by the constants Gate1Up and Gate1Dn. The speed
' of the gate is controlled by Gate1Rate.
' Some additional logic has been added to eleminate servo chatter caused by
' stiff actuating cables. The late move of the servo moves an additional
' amount past the final position and then moves back to the final position.

   IF Sig1Gate = 0 THEN                    ' Up position requested?
      IF Gate1Pos > Gate1Up THEN           ' Yes, up change required?
         Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos - Gate1Rate   ' Yes, move gate up a bit
         IF Gate1Pos <= Gate1Up THEN       ' Will move be done?
            Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos - (Gate1Rate*2)   ' Add extra move amount
            PULSOUT Sig1Servo, 500 + (Gate1Pos*2) ' Set new gate position
            PAUSE 20
            Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos + (Gate1Rate*2)   ' Remove extra move
      IF Gate1Pos < Gate1Dn THEN           ' Down change required?
         Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos + Gate1Rate   ' Yes, move gate down a bit
         IF Gate1Pos => Gate1Dn THEN       ' Will move be done?
            Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos + (Gate1Rate*2)   ' Add extra move amount
            PULSOUT Sig1Servo, 500 + (Gate1Pos*2) ' Set new gate position
            PAUSE 20
            Gate1Pos = Gate1Pos - (Gate1Rate*2)   ' Remove extra move
   PULSOUT Sig1Servo, 500 + (Gate1Pos*2)   ' Set/refresh gate position

' Signal 2 sensor input and timer processing.

   IF Sig2C1C3 = 1 THEN                 ' C1/C3 sensor active?
      Sig2C1C3Inact = ThreeSecond       ' Yes, set C1/C3 in-active timer
      IF Sig2C1C3Act = 0 THEN           ' Train blocking C1/C3 sensor?
         Sig2WaitC2 = 0                 ' Yes, reset waiting for C2 active
         Sig2WaitC1C3i = 0              ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
         Sig2C1C3Act = Sig2C1C3Act - 1  ' Decrement the active timer
         IF Sig2WaitC1C3a = 1 OR Sig2WaitC1C3i = 1 THEN
            IF Sig2C2Act = 0 THEN       ' C2 timer expired?
               Sig2WaitC1C3a = 0        ' Yes, reset waiting for C1/C3 active
               Sig2WaitC1C3i = 1        ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
               Sig2C1C3Inact = OneSecond   ' Set C1/C3 in-active timer
            Sig2WaitC2 = 1              ' Set waiting for C2 active
            Sig2Run = 1                 ' Start signals
      Sig2C1C3Act = ThreeSecond         ' In-active, set C1/C3 active timer
      IF Sig2C1C3Inact = 0 THEN         ' Train backed away?
         Sig2WaitC2 = 0                 ' Yes, reset waiting for C2 active
         Sig2WaitC1C3i = 0              ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
         Sig2C1C3Inact = Sig2C1C3Inact - 1 ' Decrement the in-active timer

   IF Sig2C2 = 1 THEN                   ' Read C2 sensor
      Sig2C2Act = OneSecond             ' Set C2 active timer
      Sig2Run = 1                       ' Start signals
      Sig2WaitC2 = 0                    ' Reset waiting for C2 active
      Sig2WaitC1C3a = 1                 ' Set waiting for C1/C3 active
      Sig2WaitC1C3i = 0                 ' Reset waiting for C1/C3 in-active
      IF Sig2WaitC2 = 0 THEN            ' Not waiting for C2 active?
         IF Sig2C2Act = 0 THEN          ' C2 timer expired?
            Sig2Run = 0                 ' Stop signals
            Sig2C2Act = Sig2C2Act - 1   ' Decrement C2 counter

' Signal 2 flash processing. Perform functions based upon the state of the
' signal run bit.
'    Sig2Run = 0:
'       If a lamp is on, then this is first entry to routine since the
'       signal run bit was reset. Extinguish lamps and clear flash counter.
'       Stop sounds and raise crossing gates.
'    Sig2Run = 1:
'       If both lamps are off, then this is first entry to routine since
'       the signal run bit was set. Set first lamp on and initialize flash
'       counter. Start bell only sound and lower crossing gates.
' The Sig2C2Act counter is used by this routine for switching between sound
' 2 (BELL AND train) AND sound 1 (BELL only). Sound two is used whenever the
' C2 sensor is active. Sig2C2Act causes sound 2 to remain active until about
' 1/4 second after the end of the train.

   IF Sig2Run = 1 THEN                  ' Is Sig2Run active?
      IF IN8 = 0 AND IN9 = 0 THEN       ' Yes, both lamps off?
         Sig2Gate = 1                   ' Yes, lower the gate
         IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN          ' Sound enabled?
            LOW Sig2Snd2                ' Yes, turn off sound 2
            HIGH Sig2Snd1               ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
         IF LedCount.BIT0 = 1 THEN      ' Random starting lamp
            HIGH Sig2Lamp1              ' Select first lamp
            HIGH Sig2Lamp2              ' Select first lamp
         Sig2Flash = SigFlash           ' Set lamp switch delay count
' This code in this IF section is used to simulate an incandescent signal
' lamps using an Led by gradual turn on/off each time the routine is called.
' If using signals with incandescent bulbs, adjust indicated lines of code.
      IF Sig2Flash = 0 THEN             ' Change lamp states?
         TOGGLE Sig2Lamp1               ' Change to new lamp state
         TOGGLE Sig2Lamp2               ' Change to new lamp state
         IF LampSim2 = 0 THEN           ' Yes, lamp change count 0?
            LampSim2 = LampSimStep -1   ' * Comment out if incandescent lamps
'           Sig2Flash = SigFlash        ' * Uncomment if incandescent lamps
      IF LampSim2 <> 0 THEN             ' Lamp change done?
         LampSim2 = LampSim2 - 1        ' No, decrement intensity change
         IF LampSim2 = 0 THEN           ' Lamp sim count now 0?
            Sig2Flash = SigFlash        ' Reset lamp switch delay count
            PAUSE LampSim2              ' Delay
            TOGGLE Sig2Lamp1            ' Change to old lamp state
            TOGGLE Sig2Lamp2            ' Change to old lamp state
         Sig2Flash = Sig2Flash - 1      ' Decrement lamp switch count
      IF IN11 = 1 THEN                  ' Sig2C2 sensor active?
         Sig2GateDelay = OneSecond / 4  ' Yes, set new gate delay value
         IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN          ' Sound enabled?
            LOW Sig2Snd1                ' Yes, turn off sound 1
            HIGH Sig2Snd2               ' Turn on sound 2 (bell & train)
         IF Sig2GateDelay <> 0 THEN     ' Gate delay value set?
            IF Sig2GateDelay = 1 THEN   ' Yes, Time delay at 1?
               Sig2Gate = 0             ' Yes, raise the gate
               IF SoundSel <> 0 THEN    ' Sound enabled?
                  LOW Sig2Snd2          ' Yes, turn off sound 2
                  HIGH Sig2Snd1         ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
            Sig2GateDelay = Sig2GateDelay - 1  ' Decrement gate delay
      Sig2Gate = 0                      ' Raise the gate
      PAUSE Sig2Flash * 5               ' Delay
      LOW Sig2Lamp1                     ' Turn off lamp
      LOW Sig2Lamp2                     ' Turn off lamp
      LOW Sig2Snd1                      ' Turn off sound 1
      LOW Sig2Snd2                      ' Turn off sound 2
      Sig2Flash = 0                     ' Clear counter
      LampSim2 = 0                      ' Clear counter

' Move Signal 2 gate. This routine outputs a servo control pulse that is
' used to position the crossing gates. The gate position is determined by
' the Sig1Gate variable and the Gate1Pos variable. The final up/down position
' of the gate is adjusted by the constants Gate1Up and Gate1Dn. The speed
' of the gate is controlled by Gate1Rate.
' Some additional logic has been added to eleminate servo chatter caused by
' stiff actuating cables. The late move of the servo moves an additional
' amount past the final position and then moves back to the final position.

   IF Sig2Gate = 0 THEN                    ' Up position requested?
      IF Gate2Pos > Gate2Up THEN           ' Yes, up change required?
         Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos - Gate2Rate   ' Yes, move gate up a bit
         IF Gate2Pos <= Gate2Up THEN       ' Will move be done?
            Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos - (Gate2Rate*2)   ' Add extra move amount
            PULSOUT Sig2Servo, 500 + (Gate2Pos*2) ' Set new gate position
            PAUSE 20
            Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos + (Gate2Rate*2)   ' Remove extra move
      IF Gate2Pos < Gate2Dn THEN           ' Down change required?
         Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos + Gate2Rate   ' Yes, move gate down a bit
         IF Gate2Pos => Gate2Dn THEN       ' Will move be done?
            Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos + (Gate2Rate*2)   ' Add extra move amount
            PULSOUT Sig2Servo, 500 + (Gate2Pos*2) ' Set new gate position
            PAUSE 20
            Gate2Pos = Gate2Pos - (Gate2Rate*2)   ' Remove extra move
   PULSOUT Sig2Servo, 500 + (Gate2Pos*2)   ' Set/refresh gate position

' Test/exercise loop. Called if RunMode is zero. Continue looping until
' RunMode is not zero.

   LOW Sig1Lamp1                        ' Set signal 1 lamp 1 off
   FOR Sig1Flash = 1 TO 6
      TOGGLE Sig1Lamp1                  ' Flash signal 1 lamp 1
      PAUSE 200
   LOW Sig1Lamp2                        ' Set signal 1 lamp 2 off
   FOR Sig1Flash = 1 TO 6
      TOGGLE Sig1Lamp2                  ' Flash signal 1 lamp 2
      PAUSE 200

   HIGH Sig1Snd1                        ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
   Sig1Gate = 1                         ' Lower signal 1 gate
   FOR Sig1Flash = 1 TO 70
      GOSUB MoveGate1
      PAUSE 15
   LOW Sig1Snd1                         ' Turn off sound 1
   HIGH Sig1Snd2                        ' Turn on sound 2 (bell & train)
   Sig1Gate = 0                         ' Raise signal 1 gate
   FOR Sig1Flash = 1 TO 70
      GOSUB MoveGate1
      PAUSE 15
   LOW Sig1Snd2                         ' Turn off sound 2
   Sig1Flash = 0

   LOW Sig2Lamp1                        ' Set signal 2 lamp 1 off
   FOR Sig2Flash = 1 TO 6
      TOGGLE Sig2Lamp1                  ' Flash signal 2 lamp 1
      PAUSE 200
   LOW Sig2Lamp2                        ' Set signal 2 lamp 2 off
   FOR Sig2Flash = 1 TO 6
      TOGGLE Sig2Lamp2                  ' Flash signal 2 lamp 2
      PAUSE 200

   HIGH Sig2Snd1                        ' Turn on sound 1 (bell only)
   Sig2Gate = 1                         ' Lower signal 2 gate
   FOR Sig2Flash = 1 TO 70
      GOSUB MoveGate2
      PAUSE 15
   LOW Sig2Snd1                         ' Turn off sound 1
   HIGH Sig2Snd2                        ' Turn on sound 2 (bell & train)
   Sig2Gate = 0                         ' Raise signal 1 gate
   FOR Sig2Flash = 1 TO 70
      GOSUB MoveGate2
      PAUSE 15
   LOW Sig2Snd2                         ' Turn off sound 2
   Sig2Flash = 0

   IF RunMode = 0 THEN TestLoop
   GOTO ProgramStart

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Copyright © 2006 Don Buczynski
San Diego, California