Don's MP3 Files


MIDI MP3's:    Orchestral    Piano    Music Group    Original
Vocal MP3's:  Music Group  Odds n Ends  Other
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This page contains various MP3 music files. There are recordings of MIDI sequences using Kurzweil, Kawai, Emu-Proteus, and Creative Sound Blaster Live sound modules. See Don's Proteus Place for additional information. There are also church music group vocal recordings dating back to the "folk group" era. An attempt has been made to strike a balance between file size and recording quality. The files are large so be patient if you are using a slow connection. Any assistance you can provide to help identify the author of an entry marked as "unknown" will be appreciated.

Note: If an item appears on any of my pages that is your intellectual property and you wish that it not be shared with the rest of the internet community on my page, please contact me and I will remove it.

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Copyright © 2006 Don Buczynski
San Diego, California
Last Updated: 11/05/06